
Metal Honeycomb Panels

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Features of  honeycomb panel:1. Light weight, high strength, high stiffness, strong stability, honeycomb panel is the first choice for curtain wall building products. 2. Honeycomb panel can also be applied to a variety of Spaces, external walls, roofing, cornice, indoor ceiling, indoor strong surface, pillar and so on. 3. Honeycomb panels are rich in color, a variety of special surfaces are available, and pre-rolled fluorocarbon technology not only ensures weather resistance, but also realizes the real touch of wood grain and stone texture. 4. Anodized series can provide a variety of high-end light luxury colors, to win a lot of light luxury project choice. 5. Rich selection of solid wood grain and decorative film color also ensures the ductility of the product. 6. Honeycomb panel is flexible and changeable. 7. Heat insulation, noise reduction, corrosion resistance is the first choice for outdoor building products, excellent flame retardant.

[  total dari  1  halaman]
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